Editor’s note: Welcome to The Fug Report! Every Friday our fashion blogger friends Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan, the sartorial geniuses behind Go Fug Yourself, will feature some of their favorite looks of the week in this space. We hope you enjoy it!
This week on Go Fug Yourself, we compared Miranda Kerr and Michelle Williams, and because it wasn’t an acting contest, Miranda took it in a walk. We worried about the state of The Hunger Games, given the state of Peeta and Gale on this week’s cover of Entertainment Weekly. We never, however, worry about Mila Kunis, who looked as pretty as ever in Moscow, or Julianne Moore, who is generally awesome regardless of her wardrobe. We began to wonder if maybe, contrary to what we had been led to believe, Jessica Biel was ALSO awesome, as she was game enough to wear this ridiculous fake mustache. And we agreed that this wax figure of Brad Pitt is categorically not awesome, unless by “awesome,” you mean “really creepy.”