Well, whether they’re the next planking or not, they’re definitely becoming a fad. We got the tip over at the Worst Horse, who pointed us to MedMob (tagline: Inquire within), an organization devoted to facilitating meditation flash mobs all over the world. MedMob appoints a day and meditators everywhere — New York, LA, London, Helsinki, Mallorca, the list goes on — join in public displays of meditation at a locally appointed spot. According to the MedMob website,
Our intention is to create an environment for people from all walks of life to come together in meditation. By exposing people to meditation through public display of meditation and sending positive intentions out into the world we can lead by example. Simple acts can stimulate major paradigm shifts in thinking.
Well, at least that sounds a little more thought out than planking. And at the Los Angeles event, Fabio showed up. That sounds pretty legit to us. Not that it’s only MedMob — last month, Wake Up London organized a meditation flash mob in Trafalgar Square, and Black Swan Yoga created this video of their own event in Austin, Texas. Photo via Exopermaculture.