10 Cultural Treasures We Hope Go Unscathed by H1N1


Obama might want us to call it H1N1, but that just doesn’t have the same ring as “swine flu”. That said, with the number of cases globally hitting near 1,000 according to the WHO, all of pigkind — and our favorite Southern grocery store chain — has a serious pr problem on their hands. Or hooves as it were. After the jump, ten of the classic books/films/TV shows we hope avoid getting blamed for the current health crisis. Pork out with your own favorites in the comments, and then go wash your hands.

1. Lord of the Flies

2. The Muppet Show

3. Deliverance

4. Charlotte’s Web (the book and the animated version, but we don’t really care about the film with Dakota Fanning)

5. Mama Cass

6. Doc Hollywood

7. Babe (note the sequel, Babe: Pig in the City, did not make the list)

8. The Harry Potter series

9. Animal Farm

10. Designing Women