In a move much more likely to interest fans of The Walking Dead than Mad Men, The Live Feed reports that AMC has ordered six episodes of Kevin Smith’s new reality series Secret Stash, a show which is set in his comic book store in New Jersey. “Draper. Meth. Zombies. This show couldn’t be on a better network,” Smith said in a statement. “AMC is to television what Miramax was to cinema back when I first got in the game: they’re the premier destination for any story-teller looking to spin an offbeat yarn that no other outlet has the stones to touch.”
In a way, this move makes perfect financial sense for the network, which has made headlines in recent months for cutting the budgets on many of its shows while giving Matthew Weiner a more than healthy raise. Whether a program that features “the daily banter of The Secret Stash and its employees and devoted customers” and captures “the fun and emotion of buying and selling collectibles and comic memorabilia” — which admittedly, sounds kind of terrible — will appeal to more than a handful of viewers is what remains to be seen. Given that Smith has nearly two million followers on Twitter, he might have enough a large enough fanbase to ensure that the show is profitable, if not a standout hit. We’re curious: Do you plan on tuning in?