David Byrne Isn’t Perfect After All


In the back woods of our music crew’s collective beard, David Byrne is more myth than man. But, is he beyond all reproach? Sure, the ex-Talking Heads frontman is a pop genius, an avant-garde instigator, a digital-age prophet, an A&R wonder, and a continuing friend to the indie fringe, but what about his writing? It turns out he isn’t perfect after all (the bad-grammar bug can get the best of anyone). After the jump, a wordsy no-no that any ol’ person might have made.

From an insightful blog entry on Byrne’s recent Dark Was the Night performance:

That’s a really different approach than what might be called traditional rock or pop, which can be extremely dogmatic — not to mention disposable — with proscribed instrumentation, tempos and subjects. There’s a sense of seriousness about this crop of artists — serious play, but still serious.

Overuse of em dashes aside, we can’t help but notice his use of “proscribed” is incorrect. “Prescribed” means to lay down as a guide, direction, or rule of action” whereas “proscribed” implies a condemnation (thanks English Police!).

Does this change anything about big daddy Bryne? Nope, but, it’s nice to know that genuises also make mistakes (see Caroline, we aren’t alone!).