Hilarious and Imaginative Illustrated Newspaper Headlines


Headline writing is an art akin to haiku: you have very little space to stylishly convey your meaning while also piquing readers’ interest. Pair that challenge with the time constraints of a 24-hour news cycle, and the result is quite a few headlines with unintentional — and often humorous — double meanings. Design You Trust points us to F*ck Yeah Headlines, a Tumblr that reinterprets these titles with hilarious illustrations. See a science story transform Freddie Mercury into a sea creature, learn Kim Jong-Il’s “bikini secrets,” and enjoy a Jennifer Aniston-fronted human centipede in a selection of our favorites from the blog after the jump.

“Study warns of mercury in Arctic”

“Milky Way galaxy re-created”

“Kim’s Bikini Body Secrets!”

“Obama picks labor expert Krueger as top economist”

“Pacman on arrest: ‘It’s ridiculous… It don’t make no sense'”

“Blind Guitarist’s Dream Comes True at U2 Concert”

“Cruise passenger rescued after going overboard”

“Is someone snooping on your health records?”

“Microsoft latest security risk: ‘Cookiejacking'”

“Who’s the Latest Star Attached to Jennifer Aniston?”