Video of the Day: A “Lost” 1996 Interview with “Courtney Love”


If you haven’t yet fallen in love with The Unabashed Queer — aka Matt Siegel — then we’re fairly sure his newest video will win you over. “Courtney Love — The Lost Interview Part 1: Professional Widow” finds Siegel going back in time to impersonate Love, ca. 1996. The resemblance is uncanny, the wardrobe and setting are perfect, the jokes are mean (but not unwarranted), and Siegel is laugh-out-loud funny. In fact, the whole thing is so well done that we’d like to think even Courtney would forgive her impersonator for the ashing-her-cigarette-in-Kurt’s-ashes bit. Watch the two-minute clip after the jump, and join us in hoping that “Part 1” means there’s more of this to come.

[via Bennett Madison]