Paintings Based on 'The Big Lebowski' and Classical Artworks


If you love quoting The Dude as much as we do, then you’ll probably enjoy The Lebowski Cycle, a series of paintings by Santa Ana-based artist Joe Forkan that we spotted over on Beautiful/Decay; if not — yeah well, that’s just, ya know, like, your opinion, man. Each large-scale work visually reinterprets a memorable scene from the cult classic in the style of Western masters like Carvaggio, Rubens, and Titian. Click through for a slide show of some of our favorites.

Joe Forkan, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (After Friedrich), 2009. Oil on linen, 80″ x 48″

Joe Forkan, Supper at Emmaus (After Caravaggio), 2006-2009. Oil on linen, 96″x 38″

Joe Forkan, The Taking of Christ (After Caravaggio), 2009. Oil on linen, 72″ x 40″

Joe Forkan, Ecce Homo (After Guercino), 2009. Oil on linen, 72″ x 40″

Joe Forkan, Oath of the Horatii (After David), 2008-2010. Oil on panel, 23″ x 12.675″

Joe Forkan, The Lamentation (After Rubens), 2006-2011. Oil on linen, 72″ x 40″

Joe Forkan, The Deposition from the Cross (After Pontormo), 2011. Oil on linen, 72″ x 40″

Joe Forkan, The Agony in the Garden (After Carracci), 2006-2011. Oil on linen, 76″ x 48″

Joe Forkan, Jester (After Velazquez’s Portrait of Pablo de Valladolid). Oil on linen, 48″ x 76″

Joe Forkan, Venus (After at Titian’s Venus of Urbino and Manet’s Olympia), 2011. Oil on linen, 72″ x 50″

Joe Forkan, Baptism of Christ (After Carracci), 2011. Oil on linen, 24″ x 38″

Joe Forkan, Sacred and Profane Love (After Titian), 2011. Oil on linen, 72″ x 40″