Famous Places of the World Photographed in Soap Bubbles


Tom Storm‘s “community-oriented photographic journey” The World in a Bubble started out with an amazing (but totally accidental) capture of shops in Galway, Ireland reflected in a bubble. Thus the trek began! From the dusty caves of Turkey to the skyscrapers of Times Square, as he travelled, Storm snapped his destinations’ unique landscapes and landmarks off the floating, bulging spheres of soap bubbles, with the help of friends and strangers. Storm is a purist — there’s no digital manipulation in these photographs. The webs of bare black branches, the whisks of a rainbow hue, the double-vision shots of mirrored bridges, monuments and mountains — these are all natural, tiny spectacles, ephemeral glimpses frozen in a frame. How nifty!

Photo credit: Tom Storm. Times Square, New York, Manhattan

Photo credit: Tom Storm. Cloud Gate, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Photo credit: Tom Storm. Unisphere, Flushing Meadow, New York, USA

Photo credit: Tom Storm. Cave Dwelling in Cappadocia Region, Turkey

Photo credit: Tom Storm. Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC, USA

Photo credit: Tom Storm. Windmills, Copenhagen, Denmark

Photo credit: Tom Storm. Washington Memorial, DC, USA

Photo credit: Tom Storm. Neptuns Fountain in Dlugi Targ, Gdanks, Poland

Photo credit: Tom Storm. City Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Photo credit: Tom Storm. Arch, St. Louis, Missouri

Photo credit: Tom Storm. Dlugi Targ, Gdansk, Poland

Photo credit: Tom Storm. Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany

Photo credit: Tom Storm. Geiranger Fjord, Geiranger, Norway