Today at Flavorpill, we looked at some of the most challenged books of the past year. We drooled over a few of these haute couture-inspired versions of the Disney Princess costumes. We wondered if the fried chicken necklace trend — as spotted on Nicki Minaj over the weekend in Vegas — will catch on. We learned what George Clooney considers to be the best 100 films made between 1964 an 1976. We laughed out loud (and possibly got a contact high) while watching this supercut of the most memorable movie stoners. We danced along to Weird Al’s latest polka medley of some recent pop hits. We liked the Guardian’s roundup of the 10 best songs based on books. We crushed a little harder on Mindy Kaling after reading her confess her irrational love for romantic comedies in the New Yorker. We wanted to adopt one of these adorable bear cubs. And finally, we thought that hacking a knitting machine from the ’80s so that it would print out Cosby sweaters with Bill Cosby’s face on them was the most inspired thing we’d seen in a long, long time.