Today at Flavorpill, we met the cat with two faces. We read the true confessions of a Teenage Manic Pixie Dreamgirl who blames her almost ruined sex life on Zooey Deschanel. We were happy to find out that we’re not the only ones who are completely obsessed with Inspector Spacetime. We visually compared hammer pants with hipsters and discovered that they have more in common than you might think. We wished that Caddyshack‘s Carl Spackler was really getting his own Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor. We tried to imagine a time before camera phones. We took a photo tour of the many, beautiful homes of Pablo Picasso. We checked out the latest Banksy-inspired work from New York-based street artist, Hanksy. We listened to a new song from Vampire Weekend’s Rostam Batmanglij. We were impressed by Amy Poehler’s ability to morph into different characters. We learned how some of our favorite sketch groups came up with their names. And finally, we were surprised to see that “How Do You Talk To An Angel” topped Billboard’s list of the highest-charting TV show theme songs since 1980. Did anyone you know even watch The Heights?