The Fug Report: Highs and Lows from the Week in Fashion


Editor’s note: Welcome to The Fug Report! Each week our fashion blogger friends Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan, the sartorial geniuses behind Go Fug Yourself, will feature some of their favorite looks of the week in this space. We hope you enjoy it!

This week, on Go Fug Yourself, we ogled Ryan Gosling. We also took a look at the costumes on Ringer, and wondered why the wardrobe department on Desperate Housewives hates Vanessa Williams so much. We admired (…sort of) Beyonce’s pregnant style, and checked in with Kate Middleton. We complained about the Vogue cover featuring Michelle Williams-as-Marilyn, and wondered what the heck people were thinking at London Fashion Week. We raised a brow at Faith Hill’s Sunday Night Football look, and, finally, anointed possibly the worst outfit we’ve seen all year.