What’s On at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we laughed out loud several times while reading this hilarious take-down of Kanye West’s runway show at Paris Fashion Week by the Fug Girls. We were thrilled to see that Mindy Kaling’s blog is back in business. We watched people other than Melissa McCarthy chug ranch dressing and like it. We were impressed by the results of Rihanna’s Marilyn Monroe-inspired cover shoot for the October issue of British Vogue. We imagined that this visualization of complimentary flavors by David McCandless and Willow Tyrer will come in handy the next time we’re experimenting in the kitchen. We saw what Seattle would look like if the Space Needle was a spaceship. We paid a visit to the virtual museum of 8-bit video game title screens. We were surprised to find out what the reason why people yawn is. And finally, we decided that heading home to watch all 100 minutes of this weekend’s Arrested Development reunion for free sounded like the perfect way to spend a Monday evening. What do you think?