Apple Unveils iPhone 4S Instead of iPhone 5


If you’ve noticed that the Apple fanboys in your office have a slightly downcast look about them this afternoon, here’s the reason why: When Apple’s new CEO Tim Cook took the stage today at the company’s big product announcement event, instead of delivering the iPhone 5 announcement that we’d all been expecting, he unveiled the iPhone 4S — a sneaky bait and switch move that, at the time, brought Apple’s stock price down nearly 4 percent.

However, it’s not all bad news; while there have been no changes in the product’s exterior design, there are some serious improvements to what you’ll find inside. “The phone will have the same design as the old model, but comes complete with a better camera (eight megapixels), HD video, faster data speeds, and the voice-controlled ‘assistant’ called Siri,” explains Daily Intel. “But it’s not the 5!” Are you as surprised by this turn of events as we are? More importantly, will you be waiting for the iPhone 5 to come out before you invest in a new device?