Today at Flavorpill, we were surprised — but happy! — to hear that Miss Piggy will be the new face of M.A.C. cosmetics beginning in November. We finally watched a few episodes of Lena Dunham’s wonderful web series, Delusional Downtown Divas. We were particularly fond of this Star Wars alphabet. We thought that this clip of tiny talent Sophia Grace Brownlee meeting her idol Nicki Minaj on Ellen was totally cute in spite of all of the high-pitched screaming. We wanted to take a bite out of this insane Marge Simpson banana. We were amused by Dan Meth’s latest pop-cultural chart which looks at the “gender and age order of sitcom offspring.” We learned some interesting facts about IKEA (for example: one in ten Europeans is conceived in an IKEA bed). We swooned over a few of TV��s greatest marriage proposals. We were thrilled by the news that Downton Abbey will probably run for three seasons. We found this My Little Pony-inspired poodle at the British Dog Creative Stylist of the Year competition absolutely horrifying. And finally, we prayed for a Michael Bolton-style comeback for Kenny Loggins. Seriously — the Footloose soundtrack was one of our most-played cassette tapes back in the day.