What’s On at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we teared up a little over this story of an old married couple who died holding hands after spending 72 years together. We were shocked to discover that a Matthew Perry sitcom that’s more than 20 years old correctly predicted Qaddafi’s death in 2011. We wanted to eat this QReo – a scannable QR code made out of Oreo cookies. We found it hard to believe that Snoop Dogg turns 40 years old today. We loved listening to these kids back in the early ’80s explain what a computer was. We couldn’t decide whether or not we preferred this hilarious alternate ending to Back to the Future to the original. We were truly frightened to see what drinking, smoking, and eating too much will do to your face. We were thrilled to hear that the Wachowskis will be returning to their sci-fi roots with Jupiter Ascending — that is, after they wrap up work on Cloud Atlas. We enjoyed The Hairpin’s guide to eating your feelings. We listened to the legendary Chip Kidd describe how he came up with the cover design for Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84. And finally, we took a trip down to New York City’s Lower East Side circa 1983, thanks to this trippy video by French filmmaker Marie Martine.