Editor’s note: Welcome to The Fug Report! Each week our fashion blogger friends Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan, the sartorial geniuses behind Go Fug Yourself, will feature some of their favorite looks of the week in this space. We hope you enjoy it!
This week on Go Fug Yourself, we watched The Last Song, the movie that mush novelist Nicholas Sparks wrote specifically for Miley Cyrus and her burgeoning, sparkling talent, so you don’t ever have to — and you seriously don’t ever have to. We got an email from Sarah Michelle Gellar about our coverage of Ringer, and spent about an hour staring at this photo wondering if Jennifer Aniston is pregnant. We decided that we’ve found the worst movie poster ever — or at least of this year. We had a hate seizure for Kim Kardashian, were confounded by Dan Humphrey, and kind of enjoyed Emma Roberts. Finally, we washed it all away in a wave of shoes and bags.