What’s On at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we enjoyed Nerve’s roundup of five bands named after Smiths songs — in order of their Smithiness, of course. We wondered what was motivating these women struggling to drink water. We watched four seasons’ worth of Tom Haverford’s absurd pickup lines on Parks and Recreation. We found it hard to believe that Ricky Gervais may be hosting this year’s Golden Globes — despite what a fancy dinner with NBC and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association might suggest. We were surprised to learn that Twister could have been called King’s Footsie or Pretzel. We met the guys who write the taglines for TV and movie posters. We discovered that the first prank call probably happened way back in 1884. And finally, we really, really wished that someone would make this Daria sweater a reality. We’d wear it to work everyday, like a uniform!