D. W. Frydendall, Portrait, acrylic on canvas, 25” x 316”. $1500
Kirk Scroggs, Babs Box, lunchbox with applied graphics, 9” x 7” x 4”. $150
Johnny Ryan, The Many Faces of Filthiness, ink and markers on bristol, 12” x 16”
Ed Luce, Divine Comics #1, mixed media on board, 18” x 24”. $600
Dan Goodsell, Divine Comedy, ink, 8” x 8”
Tom Neely, divine, watercolor on board, 20” x 26”
Johnny Ryan, Divine’s Old Fashion Dog Turds, mixed media, 5” tall. $5000
Jim Rugg, Divine Wonder, pen on notebook paper, 13” x 16”. $400
Deanna Rooney, Smoochies, acrylic on masonite, 10.5” x 13”. $300
David Staples, Not Just Another Pretty Face, mixed media, 12” x 16”. $200