Fake Ads for 10 of Television’s Funniest Products


Bringing the mythic media of your favorite television shows to life, Fake Anything showcases fake ads and products inspired by the antics of your most beloved characters. And as expected, their site boasts a few fake testimonials that are good for a laugh — but their clever ad campaigns for shows like Arrested Development, Parks and Recreation, and Seinfeld (Death Blow!) are infinitely more amusing. We’re a little concerned that we’d totally buy Liz Lemon’s “Night Cheese” and enjoy it “while wearing a Slanket,” but once you see the product’s pretty tin packaging you might feel the same way. Hit the break for more TV ad goodies.

Arrested Development [Spotted via Uproxx]

The Office [full-size version]

Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation

30 Rock

Party Down

The IT Crowd


