Nine hundred ninety-five thousand six hundred minutes. That’s approximately how long Regis Philbin — who holds the world record for longest time spent in front of a TV camera — has been on the air. It’s nearly the equivalent of two years, which we learned this morning on Reeg’s final episode of Live! when the cast of Broadway’s Rent serenaded the host with “Seasons of Love” (i.e., the song that taught everyone who came of age in the ’90s that there are 525,600 minutes in a year). They even tailored the lyrics to Philbin (“Regis, we love you”), who looked deeply moved but — as promised — didn’t cry. We may not be huge daytime TV fans here at Flavorpill, but Regis Philbin has been a fixture of the small screen for half a century, and we’re sad to see him go. Watch the Rent tribute after the jump.
[via Culture Monster]