What’s On at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds In Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we were happy to be among such great company in BuzzFeed’s roundup of websites’ office art. We were impressed by this Legend of Zelda fan’s adorable 8-bit marriage proposal. We were really excited to see the newly-debuted poster for Cabin in the Woods, Joss Whedon’s forthcoming horror flick. We liked what this lady to had to say about Facebook etiquette, and on a slightly-related note, we decided that a condom ad disguised as a friend request from your unborn child was definitely not OK. We found this video about how to lose $2400 in 24 seconds a bit predictable, but oddly satisfying to watch. We tried to imagine The Sound of Music with Mia Farrow as Liesl. We thought that @everytweetever was a pretty hilarious send up of all the junk that clogs up Twitter. And finally, we hoped not to have dreams about the world’s biggest insect — which is apparently so huge that it can eat carrots — when we go to bed tonight. Carrots!