Listen to Lou Reed on the Occupy Wall Street People’s Mic


All kinds of artists and celebrities have gone public with their support for Occupy Wall Street in the past few months, and yet it still comes as something of a surprise to us that Lou Reed has become a vocal part of the movement — not because it clashes with his politics, but because he’s never exactly been a joiner. We noticed his name on the Occupy Musicians petition that launched recently, and last night he and Laurie Anderson showed up at OWS’s Lincoln Center protest, where Philip Glass also spoke. Using the People’s Mic, Reed expressed his solidarity: “I was born in Brooklyn, and I’ve never been more ashamed than to see the barricades tonight. The police are our army. I want to be friends with them. And I wanna occupy Wall Street. I support it.” Hear the whole speech, courtesy of @Newyorkist, after the jump.

[via Gothamist; image via @strongfeatures]