Since popular Pixar film Up hit screens in 2009, there has been more than one homage to its iconic flying house. The best — or at least the most realistic — of these, a house built in Utah to look almost exactly like its animated counterpart, has just been sold to two self-described Disney fanatics who had been searching for a house with an ‘Up feel.’ The house, which now serves as a tourist attraction, wasn’t up for sale, but after meeting Clinton and Lynette Hamblin, builder Blair Bangerter decided he would be leaving the place in good hands. Even better, at least for the Hamblin’s, was the price tag — $400,000, still a hefty number, but less than the run-of-the-mill homes they had been looking at in California. Bangerter Homes received special permission from Disney to construct the house, with the stipulation that the plans be turned over after completion, making it the only house of its kind. “That movie just made us grow as a couple,” Lynette Hamblin said of Up. “Life is never over, and adventure is out there.” [ Daily News and Hollywood Reporter ]