Well, if there was still any lingering doubt about whether Lou Reed was really serious about the whole Lulu thing, you can put it to rest now. “I am very excited about working with Darren Aronofsky on our powerful video ‘The View,'” Reed told IFC. “I feel Darren understood the power and range of the emotions fueled by the fire of Metallica. His strength and spirit are on display in every frame and I think he has caught the anger, rage and anguish at the bottom of the soul of real rock.” In equally grandiose terms, Black Swan director Aronofsky praised the song, gushing, “The first time I heard ‘The View’ I was stunned… I had never heard anything like it. Half was all Lou. The other half all Metallica. It was a marriage that on the surface made no sense, but the fusion changed the way I thought about both artists and morphed into something completely fresh and new. I couldn’t stop listening to it. Lou’s crushing lyrics, and the band’s incredible licks.” The video that resulted from all this love is good, with muddled, nightmarish visuals mixed with shots of stark contrast, but not much better than your average black and white rock video. Click through to take a look for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments.