Watch a TV Funhouse Segment Banned from ‘SNL’


If we’ve got one major gripe with the more recent decades of Saturday Night Live, it’s the fact that the show — which at one time was fairly edgy — never takes big risks anymore. Case in point, just look at “Conspiracy Theory Rock,” a TV Funhouse segment from 1998 that lampoons the domination of the media by a handful of companies (including General Electric!); the catchy little clip only appeared in the original episode, and was later cut from subsequent airings because according to Lorne Michaels it simply “wasn’t funny.” Hmm. Now, thanks to a helpful tip from Marc Maron, you can now watch the segment in its entirety after the jump, and decide for yourself — just don’t blame us if you have “Media-opoly” stuck in your head for the rest of the day.

[via Splitsider]