What’s On at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we were a little freaked over these photos of a fictional drug addict for the Israel Anti-Drug Authority ad campaign. We were relieved that Jay-Z and Beyonce didn’t actually pay $1 million for a private hospital floor. We tried to imagine a time when states like Texas were nicknamed“Beef Head” and wondered what Missouri did to earn the moniker “Puke.” We thought the similarities between Michael Cera and Hitler’s mom were uncanny. We were surprised that bagpipes were invented in Persia, not Scotland. We said goodbye to the Obama administration’s second chief of staff, Bill Daley. We were fascinated by this time-lapse video of snowflakes grown in a laboratory. We bet this year’s BroNYCon sparkled with glitter like nothing we’ve ever seen before. We listened to a new track from The Shins. We were totally grossed out by these pics of three-year-old french fries and vowed never to eat them ever again. We heard what a Randy Newman version of the We Need to Talk About Kevin theme song might sound like. And finally, we loved this beautiful Hobbit animation from the same artist who worked on Tom and Jerry.