Rate-a-Trailer: Martin Scorsese’s “Shutter Island,” Starring Leonardo DiCaprio


Instead of residing on a marijuana infested beach a.k.a. Danny Boyle’s The Beach, Leonardo DiCaprio has chosen an island of 66 (possibly, according to the trailer, 67) criminally insane prisoners. Martin Scorsese’s new film, Shutter Island (just one of the handful of projects he has in the works), casts Leo as Edward “Teddy” Daniels, a Bostonian accented cop who must help the prison recapture a dangerous patient. The trailer seems far too revealing for its own good — Leo gets (well whatdya know) stranded on the island by a storm, attempts to capture the patient, finds the allegedly “crazy” missing patient who reveals the prison’s darkest secrets. Then, after drugging Leo repeatedly, the prison attempts to induct him in the ward, deeming him “criminally insane.” OOPS!

Hopefully, and most likely, Scorsese has injected the film with a few more twists than those hinted in the trailer, thereby make this the first good thriller since… we can’t remember when. Have faith in the bushy-eyebrowed one.

Shutter Island is currently slated for an October 2nd release. Are you excited to check it out?