Sorry ‘Office’ Fans, That Wasn’t a Secret Steve Carell Cameo


Earlier today an interesting little rumor started by a sharp-eyed New York Post reader started to make the Internet rounds. The claim? That former Office star Steve Carell made “an unexpected, unannounced cameo” in last week’s “Trivia” episode as a member of The Queerenstein Bears team. While the dude in the screenshot accompanying the report certainly looks a lot like the actor (with a bushy beard, some under-eye bags, and a few extra pounds, mind you), NBC is now saying that he was just an extra — and definitely not Carell. Are you as oddly disappointed by this news as we are? It would have been kind of funny to see him sneak into the background a few episodes this season, Patton Oswalt-style, don’t you think? [via AV Club]