Taiwanese Animators Dramatize the Persecution of Lana Del Rey


You’ve heard about Lana Del Rey’s just-released debut album in publications ranging from The New Yorker to your teenage cousin’s Tumblr. But one vital perspective has been missing — until now. That’s right: everyone’s favorite Taiwanese animators, Next Media Animation, have covered the story in a typically (and delightfully) melodramatic clip. You might realize that many major outlets have been less than smitten with Born to Die, but it takes a special kind of creativity to illustrate Del Rey’s “panning” with three dudes in Spin, Billboard, and Pitchfork T-shirts beating the album with frying pans. (This seems a particularly odd choice considering that the critic who reviewed the record for Pitchfork is a woman.) What follows involves a rich father placing a bag of money in the singer’s lap and two flannel-shirted “hipsters” bestowing upon her a jeweled crown that says “Hipster Runoff.” Yes, if this video teaches you nothing else, at least you’ll learn that they know about Hipster Runoff in Taiwan.