A Pillow Designed for Sneaking Office Naps


While office design is moving increasingly away from the high-walled cubicle and more towards shared open spaces, sometimes, you just need that private space. Design studio kawamura-ganjavian has come up with a punchy solution for those sudden mid-workday bouts of I-can’t-take-it-anymore: OSTRICH, a pocket pillow that “offers a micro environment in which to take a warm and comfortable power nap at ease.” In other words, it’s almost like you’ve hopped into a sensory-deprivation tank (at least from the neck up) — without ever having to leave your desk.

We were reminded of Forrest Jessee’s “Sleep Suit,” a pleated cushion that wraps around the entire body, designed to facilitate the strategic 30-minute naps of Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Sleep concept. OSTRICH similarly embraces the sharing of space by proposing new ways to balance the ratio of public and private. After all, not all of us can afford to get a Tetra-Shed.

This post by Kelly Chan originally appeared on Architizer, a Flavorwire partner site.