Ron Swanson Cookies by Whipped Bakeshop. In case they’re out of bacon and eggs.
Breaking Bad cookies by Sugar Rush Treats.
Labyrinth cookies by Kandy Cakes. See many more here.
The abridged Mountain Goats cookie discography. [via]
For a very morbid birthday party on Battlestar Galactica. You’d better destroy this Cylon before it destroys you! [via]
Green egg and ham cookies by All Things Exquisite.
Bruce Springsteen cookies by Whipped Bakeshop.
Very expensive Monopoly cookies. [via]
Playable Mr. Potato Head cookies by Jillfcs. [via]
Sweet Star Wars cookies by Sweet Sugar Belle.
The Big Lebowski cookies by Sugar Rush Treats.
You can chuck these Angry Birds cookies at your friends for a taste of the real thing. [via]
An edible AND playable version of Settlers of Catan! [via]
Build something with these edible legos baked by The Talented Cookie, and then tear it down and eat it.
The Hunger Games version of those little candy hearts you get on Valentine’s Day. By Fictional Food.
Oscars 2012-themed cookie plate. [via]