Youth in Revolt: The Teaser Poster Sucks Us In


Earlier today Cinematical debuted the official poster for Youth in Revolt, Miguel Arteta’s upcoming film adaptation of one of the best YA series we’ve ever read. (Yes, it’s even better than Gossip Girl, but perhaps not as exciting as the Sookie Stackhouse books.) A few reasons that we’re dying to see this movie and the full-size poster after the jump.

• The ensemble cast includes Michael Cera, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Long, Steve Buscemi, Ray Liotta, and Jean Smart. • Miguel Arteta’s past projects include Are You the Favorite Person of Anybody? and The Good Girl. • C.D. Payne, who’s responsible for the epic, totally absurd series, co-authored the screenplay. • This could be the perfect chance for Michael Cera to finally break out of his nice guy routine. Nick Twisp is much more of a misanthrope than he typically plays. Think George Michael, but more of a badass. • The world has been waiting for “thanks a pantsful” to become common slang for years.