The Sleeping Beauty adaptation Maleficent — named after the delightfully wicked sorceress and main antagonist in the fairy tale story made popular by Disney — has been crawling through development. The announcement of Angelina Jolie as the dark queen, however, perked things up, and now director Robert Stromberg needs his fair princess, Aurora — otherwise known as Sleeping Beauty. We Bought a Zoo actress Elle Fanning is in talks for the role — according to Twitch and Deadline — and she seems like a perfect fit for the part. The actress is only 14-years-old, but has already had sizable parts in Super 8 and Francis Ford Coppola’s Twixt, which isn’t too shabby for a youngin with a promising and busy career ahead of her. Somewhere Ashley Olsen — who just announced that she’s quit acting, citing her child star years as being “non-stop” madness — is saying, “Just you wait, girl.”