Meet This Week's Flavorpill NYC Cultural Curator: Reggie Watts


Comedian. Musician. One-man experimental theater troupe. And the man with the best afro around. Yes, it’s Reggie Watts, our favorite 21st century polymath — there are few artists more multi-talented and consistently intriguing than Watts, which is why we’re super excited to have him taking the reins of Flavorpill NY for the week. He’s stepping in as guest editor as part of our cultural curatorship program, wherein we team up with our friends at PF Flyers ask some of our favorite American cultural icons to act as guest editors on Flavorpill for a day and give us their picks of the best events on around town. Reggie’s choices are up on Flavorpill NYC right now, so head on over and see what he’s come up with!