We’ve long been enamored of Quite Continental blog queen and generally fascinating person Mariah Kunkel. Few people pull off a synthesis of the timeless and the contemporary quite as effortlessly as Kunkel, and her blog always makes for fascinating reading, covering everything from travel and books to design and, of course, fashion. All of this means that we’re delighted to have her as our guest editor on Flavorpill LA for the week as part of our cultural curatorship program — a partnership with our friends at PF Flyers that finds us asking some of our favorite American cultural icons to give us the lowdown on what’s happening around their cities. Mariah’s choices for the week are up on Flavorpill LA right now, so if you’re on the West Coast — or you just want to see what you’d be doing if you were — head over to Flavorpill LA to check them out!