Photo credit: Bertien van Manen. Vlada, Kazan, Tatarstan, 1992. Courtesy of Foam Gallery
Photo credit: Bertien van Manen. Camping at Lake Baikal, Siberia, 1993. Courtesy of Foam Gallery
Photo credit: Bertien van Manen. Lena and Styopya, Odessa, Ukraine, 1992. Courtesy of Foam Gallery
Photo credit: Bertien van Manen. Courtesy of Foam Gallery
Photo credit: Bertien van Manen. Ljalja, Odessa, Ukraine, 1991. Courtesy of Foam Gallery
Photo credit: Bertien van Manen. Odessa Primorski Boulevard, 1992. Courtesy of Foam Gallery
Photo credit: Bertien van Manen. Avto and friends in the Causasian mountains, Georgia, 1993. Courtesy Foam Gallery
Photo credit: Bertien van Manen. Shamanovska, Bride, 1992. Courtesy Foam Gallery
Photo credit: Bertien van Manen. Pjotr and his family, Apanas, Siberia, 1993. Courtesy Foam Gallery
Photo credit: Bertien van Manen. Novokuznetsk Cinema, 1991. Courtesy Foam Gallery