I loooove ALT. He is the best — so nice and funny and smart and enigmatic. Can’t say enough good things about him. His Twitter feed is great because he tweets about everything — fashion, politics, starving for beauty, etc.
My hilarious former colleague at New York magazine! She covers finance but also tweets about lots of other stuff: Mass holes, shopping, fast food, tourists…
P. Diddy is one of those celebrities who has no idea what to tweet because he’s so famous that, like, what does he need to be tweeting about? So he just sputters platitudes about life. He also tweets about partying, but somehow I only catch the times he says “Living is life” and things like that. If happened to regularly notice more of the tweets where he confuses himself with a soccer announcer I might stop following him. (As seen here and here.)
She signs everything “love Diane.” Also has celebrity platitude syndrome. Love Amy.
Need I explain?