Quote of the Day: Bret Easton Ellis Really Loves The Hills

I’m holding off on Season 4 right now. I started watching a bit of it, but I’m waiting until the DVD comes out because I want to see it all so beautifully mastered. Even if you download the show there is that irritating MTV logo in the corner. It doesn’t work for me that way. It has to be on a big screen with the sound right up. It blows me away…I’m sorry, but whoever invented HEIDI MONTAG and SPENCER PRATT are just…nothing matches it. I’ve never see L.A. look more beautiful in a work of art. There are no movies that are as beautiful as that.

– Thanks for finding this high-brow/low-brow gem, Foster; we love when the two worlds intersect. Also, it’s nice to know that Ellis shares two of our unhealthy obsessions: bad reality TV and Diet Coke.