Strangely Beautiful Photos of Clear Preserved Animals


Artist Iori Tomita, who graduated from the Kitasato University School of Fisheries Sciences, creates these incredibly strange specimens of animals, turning all the protein in their bodies transparent, and then infusing their bones and cartilage with color so they become strangely compelling, soft-colored skeletons. The process was originally created for scientific specimens, but Iori pushed the process further, refining his technique. He writes, “I create transparent specimens as pieces of work that help people feel closer to the wonders of life. People may look at my specimens as an academic material, a piece of art, or even an entrance to philosophy. There is no limitation to how you interpret their meaning. I hope you will find my work as a “lens” to project a new image, a new world that you’ve never seen before.” Well, this is certainly a world we’ve never seen before. Click through to take a look at some of these strangely beautiful preserved animal specimens, and let us know what you think in the comments.

[via Geekologie]