1. Joan (to Greg): I’m glad the Army makes you feel like a man, because I’m sick of trying to do it.
2. Sally (on the Richard Speck murders): Why did that man do that? Pauline Francis: Probably because he hates his mother.
3. Stan (on Michael, who has disappeared): I’m gonna go out there and find him. I’m going to start with the whole world and then eventually end up in my apartment.
4. Don (to Megan): I married you, and I’m going to be with you until I die — which could be this afternoon.
5. Roger (to Peggy): Hey, Trotsky, you’re in advertising.
Season 5 scoreboard Stan Rizzo: 7 Michael Ginsberg: 5 Bobby Draper: 5 Roger Sterling: 5 Joan Harris: 5 Teenage Rolling Stones fan: 4 Pauline Francis: 4 Megan Draper: 3 Civil rights protester: 3 Pete Campbell: 2 Don Draper: 2