Hear Scarlett Johansson and Massive Attack’s 3D Cover “Summertime”


With temperatures expected to crack the 70-degree mark in New York over the weekend, it’s impossible to avoid thoughts of summer. Just in time to aid you in fantasizing about the warm days to come, Scarlett Johansson and Massive Attack’s 3D have dropped a unique and charming rendition of the timeless seasonal anthem, “Summertime,” which seems to be a remix of the actress’s faithful cover from a few years back. While Gershwin’s original embodies the sweaty lethargy of an August afternoon, 3D and co-producer Tim Goldsworthy mix it up with some icy, synthetic sounds and place Johansson’s voice at an untouchable remove. Listen to the track below, and look for it on the increasingly exciting-looking soundtrack to Everardo Valerio Gout’s forthcoming thriller Days of Grace.

[via Pitchfork]