Today at Flavorpill, we were so patriotic that we decided to read about how much White House staffers get paid, until that is, we read that Reggie Love makes over $100k, and come on, all he does is freaking play basketball with Obama! Then we read a mixed review of the new Yankee stadium’s design. We listened to Quincy Jones say all sorts of crazy things about his protege, Michael Jackson. We OMG’ed at the news of the first Jonas brother engagement before becoming implicated in a lively debate among the interns about how much the JoBros suck (It was three to one in favor of “a lot”). We wondered how New York City’s discontinuation of film and television tax breaks would affect our dear sweet Ugly Betty. We thought this Katy Perry doll was freaky, but whatever, we’re not gonna let it ruin our long weekend. May the 4th be with you all.