Pete (to Don, after an evening at a brothel): I can’t believe I have to explain I was doing my job to a man who just pulled his pants up on the world.
Roger (to Ken, on the topic of his second career as a sci-fi author): My wife likes fur, but you don’t see me growing a tail.
Don: No one grows up wanting to be in advertising.
Jenny Gunther: Things seem so random all of a sudden. Time feels like it’s speeding up.
Lane (to Pete): You’re a grimy little pimp.
Season 5 scoreboard
Roger Sterling: 9 Stan Rizzo: 7 Pete Campbell: 7 Michael Ginsberg: 5 Don Draper: 5 Bobby Draper: 5 Joan Harris: 5 Teenage Rolling Stones fan: 4 Pauline Francis: 4 Megan Draper: 3 Civil rights protester: 3 Jenny Gunther: 2 Lane Pryce: 1