Listen to M.I.A.’s Theme Song for Julian Assange’s Radio Show


Even before M.I.A. released her Vicki Leekx mixtape on New Year’s Eve 2010, she and Julian Assange seemed like kindred spirits — so it’s only natural they’re collaborating. Last week, we learned that she wrote the theme music for the house-arrested WikiLeaks activist’s new radio show, The World Tomorrow, which just aired its first episode on Russia Today. As Stereogum notes, the instrumental track isn’t particularly exciting: it’s really just M.I.A.’s somewhat spookier, more aggressive version of the 30-second psych-up music that precedes practically every other political talk show, and it’s overlaid with Assange’s self-aggrandizing intro. We’re more interested to hear that the singer, who WikiLeaks is calling “the Julian Assange of pop music,” will appear on a future episode of the show. Who wants to bet there won’t be a truffle fry within five miles of the taping?