1. Jane (to Roger): What do you want to do? Go home, open your vest, and yell at the TV for the next 20 years?
2. Megan (summarizing her and Don’s relationship): “Get in the car. Eat ice cream. Leave work. Take off your dress.” “Yes, Master!”
3. Roger (to Don, post-acid trip): I have an announcement to make: It’s going to be a beautiful day.
4. Raymond, the Heinz client: Stop writing down what I ask for and try to figure out what I want.
5. Roger (to Jane, before ingesting an LSD-soaked sugar cube): You always say I never take you anywhere.
Season 5 scoreboard
Roger Sterling: 13 Stan Rizzo: 7 Pete Campbell: 7 Megan Draper: 7 Michael Ginsberg: 5 Don Draper: 5 Bobby Draper: 5 Joan Harris: 5 Jane Sterling: 5 Teenage Rolling Stones fan: 4 Pauline Francis: 4 Civil rights protester: 3 Jenny Gunther: 2 Raymond Geiger: 2 Lane Pryce: 1