Today at Flavorpill, we got hungry for the the Girl Scout cookie candy bar. We went inside Baltimore’s new National Pinball Museum. We listened to The Hood Internet’s new mixtape. We browsed Courtney Love’s food diary. We found out how mobsters decorate their homes. We welcomed Brad Pitt as the new face of Chanel No. 5. We discovered why dogs yawn. We watched a supercut of Adam Yauch’s opening lines from every single Beastie Boys song. We found out when geek became chic. We spotted similar images in North by Northwest and Suspiria. We learned a few ways to make our Instagram photos better, and we saw a concept for a physical Instagram camera. We check out the best places to be LGBT. And finally, we listened to Brian Eno’s lecture on art and music. “Recording as a form of art is closer to painting than it is to music,” he shares.