Image credit: Hong Seon Jang
Hong Seon Jang created Type City from a variety of metal printing press letters, erecting them like skyscrapers, mapping out an imaginary city that stretches six feet across a table.
Image credit: Jeremy Mayer
California artist Jeremy Mayer disassembles typewriters and reassembles them into incredible full-scale sculptures. His figures are all anatomically correct, every single part comes from a typewriter, and he does not solder, weld, or glue them together.
Image credit: Voila Gallery
This vintage printing press sculpture block can double as a weapon next time you feel frustrated with writer’s block. Ok, please don’t do anything crazy, but do enjoy the maze of metal letters and symbols inside a custom wood frame ready for hanging.
Image credit: gruntzooki
This typewriter sculpture spotted in the window of Westbourne Grove Gallery in London is teeming with miniature figures.
Image credit: Tracey Cockrell
Repurposing vintage typewriters as sound sculptures, artist Tracey Cockrell modeled her work after African thumb pianos, aiming to integrate poetry and music through the outdated machines.
Image credit: Paul Loughridge
Paul Loughridge’s recycled robot assemblages have a lot of personality. This one combines vintage typewriter parts with things like a mellon baller and a 1950’s moth trap.
Image credit: Luis Zimad Lamboy
Luis Zimad Lamboy’s custom painted Mondrian typewriter.
Image credit: KeysAndMemories
Vintage typewriter rings and things.
Image credit: Julie Giles
An insane, Naked Lunch-esque typewriter sculpture stacked sky-high in Cuba.
Image credit: Gabriel Dishaw
Gabriel Dishaw’s “upcycle” artworks transform metal and mechanical objects — many of which are now obsolete — into unlikely objects. His redesign of a Nike Air Max sneaker uses a vintage typewriter case, as well as motherboards, chipsets, electrical power connectors, and more.
Image credit: Gwen Delicious
Designer Gwen Delicious strings together vintage brass and wood printing press blocks to create necklaces. They’re straightforward, but unique.