Revealing Diptychs of People and Their “Dreamlands”


If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? And do you think that someone could wager an accurate guess, just by looking at your photo? Dreamland, a series of diptychs by Italian photographer Francesca Guadagnini which we spotted thanks to PetaPixel, pairs portraits of her friends with images of the places that they’d love to inhabit. Their choices range from predictable locations for young, creative types — cities like Sydney, Amsterdam, and Berlin — to far less obvious options — like in a video game. As for Guadagnini herself: “If I had been asked, I answered where my friends are.” Aw. Click through to meet them all now!

Martino, iOS programmer, Amsterdam. Photo credit: Francesca Guadagnini

Tommaso, law student, “to rebuild his city after the earthquake.” Photo credit: Francesca Guadagnini

Paolo, iOs programmer, the countryside. Photo credit: Francesca Guadagnini

Carolina, degree in ichthyology, Norway. Photo credit: Francesca Guadagnini

Michele, Foursquare superuser/Apple reseller, Iceland. Photo credit: Francesca Guadagnini

Marco, DJ/creative, Berlin. Photo credit: Francesca Guadagnini

Giacomo, department head in a computer store, a video game. Photo credit: Francesca Guadagnini

Giulia, pharmacy student, Sydney. Photo credit: Francesca Guadagnini