Tom Wesselmann, Great American Nude No. 52. Photo: Jeffrey Sturges. Courtesy of Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Tom Wesselmann, Monica Sitting with Mondrian (Variation No. 3). Photo: Jeffrey Sturges. Courtesy of Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Tom Wesselmann, Sunset Nude with Matisse Odalisque. Photo: Jeffrey Sturges. Courtesy of Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Tom Wesselmann, Still Life No. 35. Photo: Jeffrey Sturges. Courtesy of Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Tom Wesselmann, Interior No. 2. Courtesy of Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Tom Wesselmann, Smoker No. 1 (Mouth, 12). Courtesy of Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Tom Wesselmann, Bedroom Painting No. 38. Photo: Lee Stalsworth. Courtesy of Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Tom Wesselmann, Still Life No. 49. Photo: Jombihis Corp. Courtesy of Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Tom Wesselmann, Great American Nude No. 54. Jeffrey Sturges. Courtesy of Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Tom Wesselmann, Standing Nude (Variation No. 7). Photo: MMFA, Christine Guest. Courtesy of Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.